Have you heard about Bluestacks app? If you haven’t, this article is a treat for you.
BlueStacks is the most popular Android emulator software in the world. By using this software, you can run any Android app and play any game on your Windows computer or laptop. Effortlessly experience the android user’s interface on PC. Though many Android emulators are available on the web, Bluestacks is the one that most people use. For more related apps, visit Brighter Guide. Go ahead and read more about the developers and the app below.

Here you can free download BlueStacks for your PC Windows 10/7/8/XP/8.1 Computer. After downloading it, you can download and install any Android app (the .apk file) on your PC. I have shared the link to download Bluestacks (.exe file) for the quick solution, just after the Technical Details section below.
I recommend all of you guys/gals to check Bluestacks system requirements, as many of my blog readers have contacted me regarding the issue of “unable to install Bluestacks after downloading it.” It’s because their computers don’t support this application. So before downloading, you should check the requirements. Then, after you complete checking the requirements, feel free to download the latest version of Bluestacks 2 from the link mentioned below.
Download BlueStacks
Version | BlueStacks v. |
File Size | 510 MB |
System Requirements | Windows OS (Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11/XP) |
Developer | BlueStack Systems Inc. (www.bluestacks.com) |
BlueStacks Guides & Tutorials
The following guides will help you to understand all about BlueStacks and how you can use it correctly. Then, simplify your work online by downloading Bluestacks and putting it to use. So, let’s jump into the tutorials section.
How to Install BlueStacks on Your Computer

Installing this software is as easy as installing any other software on your computer. All you need to do is download BlueStacks by clicking on the green download button (I have given it initially). Then, click it twice, and it will start the installation process. But in case you are a newbie on installing software on Windows computers. You can check the step-by-step guide below.
- After downloading BlueStacks, left-click on the downloaded installation file twice. (It will have a name ending with EXE extension)
- Now a new installation window will appear. Just click on “Agree” and select all the appropriate options one by one.
- After you click next many times, you will see a green progress bar with “Downloading Needed Files” or something like that.
- After the needed files are downloaded, BlueStacks will be installed on your computer, and you can use it now.
NOTE: Make sure to have a stable internet connection. With blue stacks, you can use all android smartphone apps and games on your PC or any operating system. You don’t need any hard installation requirements. With Bluestacks, you can download android games like Clash of clans(clans), use Whatsapp on PC, and other gamers apps. Millions of people now enjoy Bluestacks and use the blue stacks app player! So play games with your keyboard and mouse.
Check other articles from our site on: BlueStacks Alternatives: 6 Best Free Android Emulators, 2 Ways To Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates.
How to Run any Android Apps or Game on your Computer

It’s straightforward to run any Android Software/App or game on your computer using BlueStacks. Even a child can do it, but you may need a little assistance if you are using it for the first time.
Follow the step-by-step guide below to find out how to use BlueStacks Android emulator software for downloading and installing any Android game/app on your PC (computer).
- First, you need to have BlueStacks installed on your computer, so my friends download it if you haven’t already done so.
- Now open it by clicking on the application icon, which will be on your desktop.
- Next, click on the search icon and search for the android app you want to download and run on your PC.
- You will see the app, click on that, and Download that on your PC. It’s simple as a Piece of Cake.

Note: You can also directly download any apk file from google play or any other site on the internet and install it directly on bluestacks. For that, you have to download the apk file first and then right click on file and choose open with bluestacks.
Want to try other apps from Brighter Guide? Check out for Tubemate for pc, Shareit for pc, and MX Player for Windows.
>First, you need to have BlueStacks installed on your computer, so my friends download it if you haven’t already done so.
>Now open it by clicking on the application icon, which will be on your desktop.
>Next, click on the search icon and search for the android app you want to download and run on your PC.
>You will see the app, click on that, and download it on your PC. It’s as simple as Piece of Cake.
Installing this software is as easy as installing any other software on your computer. All you need to do is download BlueStacks by clicking on the green download button (I have given it initially). Then, clickThen, click it twice, and it will start the installation process. But in case you are a newbie on installing software on Windows computers.
All you need to do is download BlueStacks by clicking on the green download button (I have given it initially). Then, click it twice, and it will start the installation process. But in case you are a newbie on installing software on Windows computers.
You May Also like to Download TubeMate App for PC Laptop Windows 7/8/10 or XP; this app will help you download YouTube videos directly on your computer in just a few clicks.
So, that was pretty much all the info that you may ever need about this awesome android emulator. This is an emulator with lots of options. You can play an android device-based video game, strategy game, 3D game, etc.
Please share why you love to use BlueStacks in the Comment Section Below. Ask about 32-bit or 64-bit version, version of Windows, offline installer or anything from the article. Also, let us know if you know any particular Bluestacks tips and tricks that others should be aware of. Start playing your favorite games on PC!
I have Downloaded and installed in my PC the bluestacks2_native application file. when run it says that 2 gb memory is required and went off.
Yeah your PC must have 2GB of RAM in order to run BlueStacks in It. You may check all system requirements for BlueStacks.
is there clash of clans
Yeah you can use Clash of Clans on your PC with BlueStacks.
hello sagar please tel me. when i instal bluestack he give me instal field why
i speak english a little
Hey BrO plzz… Help Me
Yar M Jab Ye App PC Me Install krta hu to Hota hi nhi h
Net ki Jarurat btata h
Or koi Blue Stakes offline Instaler nhi h kya yar plzz.. Meri help kr
Ye lo mre num call kr k bta dena
Have you downloaded BlueStacks from this site? if not, download it form here.
PS. Internet is not required for installing BlueStacks, because it’s BlueStacks standalone installer (Offline Installer).
I installed bluestacks app player2 but it is not connecting to network to download n install apps.
Harith you can still download Apk files of Android apps from web and install them directly on BlueStacks.
i play clash of clans wht is your guys lv in it ?
Bro r u sure that i can play coc using bluestack……?????
Yeah many people are using BlueStacks specially for Playing this game on their PC.
I had installed bluestacks ,then i had also installed clash of clans from playstore but when i opened coc nothing is visible . The screen becomes black
Check: https://brighterguide.com/download-clash-of-clans-for-pc-windows-788-110-laptops
IT’s wonderful!!! wanna suggest all of you to download this….
bluestacks is not running in my pc ……..
i am using 4 gb ram , 1 tb harddisk, core 2 duo processer
Try updating your graphic card driver. I think your problem will solve.
How do i update my graphic card driver on my system
follow this guide: https://brighterguide.com/update-pc-laptop-graphic-card-driver
You can try other android emulators like YouWave or Andy.
brother i have 1.80ghz and 1 gb ram and 320gb hard disk but after running set up he said installation failed what i do
BlueStacks require 2 GB of ram try so try something else like YouWave.
bluestacks app is very powerful software. i useing it.and whatsaap ,and androad all app,game installing.
I am get started with this,but it refreshes automatically and immediately.not allowing me to work or to do anything
I have install bluestacks emulator, im install COC when i Open COC the show me black screen how can i fix it.
Here you can check the bluestacks official support page for the solution: http://goo.gl/DFrNJS
i have not install this software for my computer
4gb ram, duel processor,1tb harddisk,
but why not install corectly….ples
There can be some problem with your graphic card driver, update it and try again.
when i am done with the downloading process and clicked on run its shows tht the file is coruupted wht to do now ?????
The download link is official so there is no chance that something is wrong with the application. Maybe you have downloaded the file badly (like sometimes the downloaded file becomes corrupted and don’t run). I recommend you to re-download the file.
Did you try with any other android emulator? I don’t think bluestacks is the best one. Thank you
Yeah, there are many other android emulators as well, i am working on a list of best bluestacks alternatives. You will soon see the post on home page.
it was loading for sevral minutes, and finally while installing the exe file. it throws up an error that the file is corrupted.
It is showing the error in the dialog box extraction FAILED . FILE CORRUPTED.
Vicky Re-download the file.
Sagar Basak BIG thanks dude, it really works on my acer laptop
You are Wellcome Jonas
my bluestacks search option not working what i do …?? plzzzzzzz
help me
Reinstall if you are facing this issue even after restarting bluestacks.
when i opend my bluestacks it says that file is corrept
try again (download again).
bluestacks 2 is a heck….the older version is good but its downloading….might be some problem…but bluestacks 2 is too lazy…and also is hangs….i mean it really disturbs me when i am plying games like COC etc…..but its a good softwere…can you suggest me an emulator better than BLUESTACKS!!!!
You can check these android emulators: https://brighterguide.com/bluestacks-alternatives
can i use aps like whatsapp,hike etc on bluestacks?
Yes you can.
I am not download blue stack why please reply me
can you please elaborate the issue
when i try to download blue stacks it starts but after some time it says
C:\Users\devil\Downloads\BlueStacks2_native.exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.
Try again later, or contact the server administrator.
bluestacks is not running in my pc
i am using 2 gb ram , core 3 duo processer
Taking Too Much Time To Download And Shows 305 MB !
It will take time only because of internet speed, if you have high speed internet then it will take only few seconds to download.
hay friends this app is very slow and slow pc
hello sagar i have download Bluestacks in my pc but after sometime half installastion was done successfully but after sometime it shows “your graphic card having some issues with that but my graphic card is updated.
tell me what to do ????
You need to update your graphic card driver i have written how to do that (search the blog).
can I download truecaller on bluestack
Yes, you can.
can I play all Android games on bluestack
Yeah pretty much all.
it is very tough to download bluestacks without wifi. why???
Maybe it’s because the file is pretty large in size.
super cell game are not working correctly on bluestacks what would i do
Try to use these bluestacks alternatives : https://brighterguide.com/bluestacks-alternatives
can I download game cih2 on bluestak
Yeah, if you have the APK file of any Android App then you can run it on PC using BlueStacks.
i love this Bluestacks app this is great and interesting really,, comfortable this.. Is Awesome idea
can i use whatsapp hike in pc10 using bluestack
Yes you can.
i have downloaded whaatsapp bt its not installing on my system y??????? i m using windows 7 nd i have downloaded Bluestacks 2 native
If you are getting error with bluestacks then try other android emulators.
i have download i,but its not working . when i m going to run it say failed to install.pls inform what i can do.
i m using DELL with 4gb ram & core i3 processor ,,,,,,,,
bro I am installd but telling its not responding download only on store only my pc is windows 8.1 surfacepro2
my blue stack new version is really bad , after i switch to the android mode it is taking loads of time initializing , actually never time. after I’ve updated my version of blue stack this is going on and on . I am faded up ….pls give me some solution or alternative solution…plese!!!
Check These Best BlueStacks Alternatives.
i have installed it but when i open it the one time setup never gets over….Any solution for it..
hey sagar i have downloaded bluestacks. When i run this but after its extract it says failed to download bluestacks. my laptop is 4 gb ram.
can u please tell me why?
Check you may need to update your graphic card driver.
some question,,there are no bluestack it take a few MB just muximum 30 up to 50 ?…….. ooooh! coz it take too time when i downloaded and of the end failled coz of network system..help me to symplifying this trouble.
Sorry can’t help you with anything, you need a decent internet connection to download bluestacks (because it’s quite large in size).
clash of clan failed to load my pc has 4 gb ram 3.20 ghz processor. wht shuld i do
There are some other android emulators try with them.
I want to reset play account id, Is it possible?
Try it yourself may be the old version of BlueStacks will work.
i am not able to download bluestacks.how do i do that?
bro i like to do install it take a lots of time mean 1.25hrs
is der any harm to pc by installing bluestacks
wow its wonderful try to install this.
sagar basak It is the worst app you have made in this hold world.i have trying to download blue stack more than 50 times and every time it is saying failed to download and plz tell me how can i intall it
BlueStacks requires pretty good computer (hardware), if you are facing any problem, I will suggest you to try BlueStacks Alternatives.
i have installed it but when i open it the one time setup never gets over….Any solution for it..
Use Other Android Emulators
bro i am unable to play clash of clans using bluestacks. whenever i start the game it shows the dismissed colours and i am unable to see anything
Try using MEmu Emulator.
i use it…it is like mobile lol.
by downloading bluestack can i use whats app on windows 7
sagar hw old r u ??? u wnt to be cs
What do you mean by CS?
Can i play coc in XP sp3
hi sagar i need a help to modify some third party apps if there is any software means pls sugest me
What did you mean by “modify”?
Could you please elaborate your question so that i can assist you.
by downloading bluestack can i play clash of clans on pc windows 7
Yes , you can.
Hello sagar, im eddy here. i need to download wwe 2014 in my laptop, amd a8-4500m apu with radeon(tm) hd graphics 1.90 ghz . 4GB RAM, OS 64BIT
this is very slow download
This is the official download link, Many People are downloading at the same time that’s why its very slow.
hey, guys i download this.. But nothing to be download from this…. please anyone guide me… 🙁
when i m downloading bluestacks it shows the file is corrupt so what should i do mine windowns is 10 4gb ram
and 500 gb hard disk tell me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz its very urgent tell me as soon as fast bro its my humble request??????
I updated the download links, please download again. Or you may try some other android emulator.
how to download bluestacks in pc of windows xp
it is asking for dotnet help me
Vipyl, some computers requires the .NET Framework, you can download it and install bluestacks.
I have no wifi but then also will it download bluestacks and clash of clans in my windows 7 pc
Yeah, But it will take some time depending on your internet speed.
I am trying to install it but its showing that it will take 13 hours for downloading but that is too much , I m downloading it without wifi with net pack…
i wanna upload photo on one of my blog on bluestacks but i can’t it keeps on telling me that i have no photo to upload though i have some photos on my pc,but i really can’t get access to mu pc throught bluestacks,so please help me on that okay.
Hi,,,frnz,,,, I want to know one thing,,—-
Can I use any android app on my laptop which already I have save in the Localdisk, ,,,,,,I mean I don’t want to download any android app with playstore account of the blustack softwere,,,so, are it possible to use android app without download by the google playstore of bluestacks ,,,,,
Tobib, Yeah you can directly download the Apk file and open it with BlueStacks without using Google Play.
I have Downloaded and installed in my PC the bluestacks2_native application file. when run it says that 2 gb memory is required and went off. even i have more than 8 gb free space, why is it doing so?
You need 2GB ram, please check bluestacks system requirements for more info.
Bluestack is the best desigion for app player
I had download it but I can’t open or run it:(
Maybe your PC it’s compatible with BlueStacks, try using any other Android Emulator.
Hi Ashish here i had downloaded bluestacks on pc and suddenly it got installed and when tried to install once again its not getting installed please help me out.
You are saying you had previously installed BlueStacks on your Computer but this time it’s not getting installed, right?
Tell me if i got your question right.
yes i already installed blue stacks but i deleted now i cant install please help me?
Please check BlueStacks system requirements.
my stacks keeps going off whenever am using whatsapp
You can’t run BlueStacks if you have a old computer(because of hardware issue), Try any other android emulator. There are many other free Android Emulators.
this is most important application in use for pc for android application.
Bhai ye mere windows xp me install bi nhi ho rha h ab kya kru
Please help me
Check if your computer is compatible with BlueStacks, if not try some other android emulator.
Windows ZP Sevice Pack – 3 chahiye
2 GB ram kam se kam
hi .. i m using windows 10 in my pc..how to download bluestack in pc.please tell any one website
ji …i’m using blustacks , and whatsapp and hike on bluestacks but the Dp of my friends were not shown and their hike timeline also cant be seen , and the bluestacks time also cant be changed it showing 6:14 am while it was realy 11:40 am or 04:00 pm………………..
what to do,…?
You should find this link useful: bluestacks.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203396327-How-to-Set-Date-and-Time-
hello bhai i have a problem
when i am download bluestacks and run it “microinstallernative.exe” are absent msg comes …
Am using dell laptop,wil bluestacks be compactible?
It’s not like that, You should check BlueStacks System Requirement. The Brand of laptop has nothing to do with this, it’s about the configuration of your computer.
bluestacks is taking a lot of time what to do
bro can u list out some other android emulators plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Search my blog for “BlueStacks Alternatives” You will find some other useful android emulators on that post.
hey does it really works
if it does not works what do We do
It Works
plz tell me that how i used to bluestack for window 7 64 bit,2gb ram
the file is not downloading in windows 10 how to fix it
What issue are you facing? Please elaborate your problem.
hey bluestack is really work or it is fraud
BlueStacks is not fraud, Who told you that. It will work just fine unless you download it from any Shady Website.
send a link to download android emulator
Hi sagar …i want to download hotstar for pc …wt should i do
Read this post: https://brighterguide.com/download-hotstar-for-pc-laptop-windows-788-1-latest
it helps too much for playing and not using more space on mobile
i installed blue-stack but when i install app on it. it doesn`t installed . how can i install it. help me out as fast as possible. please
i already installed bluestacks..but now every time a windos open and show me wheather i want to upgrade updated version or noy? when i agree with this…a new page comes ..installing bluestacks…click for next..but no next button is there…not only that..i uninstall the software still after installing this page is coming and nothing is doing
In that case uninstall it completely using Rovo Uninstaller and then install the latest version of BlueStacks after downloading it from here.
You can also try something else search for BlueStacks alternatives on my blog.
if i reinstall the bluestack ,whatsapp and hike then i will loose my all earlier files?
Hey Richa,
When you click on Uninstall BlueStacks button a pop-up window will appear saying ‘Do you want to keep all your apps and data?’, click on the ‘YES’ option. Next time when you will install BlueStacks your data will be automatically restored.
Note: This feature is available on BlueStacks version and later only.
Mere friend ke pass laptop me blue stack hai to maine pendrive me blue stack ka folder le liya aur apne computer me dal kar chalaya to nahi chalta error likh jata hai .
Manvendra, You can’t run BlueStacks on your PC if you just copy the folder and paste it. Download BlueStacks exe file from here and install it properly.
Hey bor i had downloaded bluestack for 7 times, but didnt install
It says dot net is not install on your systme
Seems like your PC is not compatible with BlueStacks, Just Download any other android emulator from here: https://brighterguide.com/bluestacks-alternatives
your computer don’t have .NET framework that’s why its asking for it. Download & Install .NET Framework to use bluestacks on it.
app tu achy se chalti ha pr sound bar bar chalijati hai help me
Have a nice day….Mr. Sagar Basak….I have tried to install Blue Stacks and its running slow at the time to download it….very slow and my internet speed connection which I’ve used right now was at the standard rate …wihth number 305 MB, I think waiting and waiting and sleeping is the best solution …….and I still hoping it can give the best performance and best application from you….Thanks….
brother i have also download bluestacks.i switch off the computer and when iswitch on the computer the bluestacks does not open.why?
bhai main ne apne computer main bluestacks download kia hai.chalta bi hai lekin jab main computer off kar k on karta hun to phir wo error deta hai.please mujhe is ki wajhja btain
What Msg you see on computer screen (the error msg)?
im using an old mini laptop (lenovo) 2009 model with windows 7.
i downloaded this bluestacks but after finishing it says that it cant be saved due to insufficient permissions.
What should i do?
Hey David,
You are using Chrome on your Windows 7 Machine, right?
If yes then Open Settings (three horizontal lines icon)> Show Advanced Settings> Scroll down and find “Downloads section”> Set the Download location to somewhere a new location (Folder).
Now you should be able to download BlueStacks.
PS. Let me know if it solve’s your issue.
Hi sagar, I just want to know that how to download video on Hotstar???
Check out this: https://brighterguide.com/download-hotstar-videos-serials-sports
blustack new version305 download karne ke bad install karne per msg deta hai windows cacot find microinstallernative.exe typed correct name and try again blustack meine mostusefultrick.com se hi download kiya tha mera pc windo7 hai
not instolled blue-stack but when i install app on it. it doesn`t installed . how can i install it. help me out as fast as possible. please
Can you please elaborate your problem.
i want clash of clan where did i get this app
on play store
hiii.. frnds mere pass lenovo 8.1 to usme kye bluestacs install hoga
it really works
hey,,, friends I had installed bluestacks few mnths ago & it was working properly. but now bluestacks is not responding & I can’t access my whatsapp…I again reinstalled it still it is not working……can anybody help me??
Is this the latest version of bluestacks .
Yeah, it’s the latest version.
hi i m also facing such problems what can i do
hi sagar.
i cant install this app its showing ‘unable to find DotNet continue installation process ?’
what can i do ???
my pc also not bad why iam facing problem to install ?
Maybe you need to uninstall .NET Framework on your computer and install it again. Let me know if it fix’s your problem.
hi dude
when i intalled bluestack an error occured showing some problem regarding to microinstallernative. Will u please suggest some solution to it
I will be very thankful………………………………………
Hey Tushar,
I found something on the web for you 🙂
people are saying that its related with antivirus/firewall, disable or just add exception to Bluestacks installer on your antivirus settings, This should fix the issue.
Sorry for the late reply.
Can i only download bluestacks in my android phone and then i will paste it to my laptop can it b able to download??
Yeah its too good and easy
this software is not working properly.
i already download the software and bluestacks2_native.exe required Dotnet to install after install no nothing shows
How to install in Microsoft surface rt ???? Paz help me
does it work for whatsapp messanger???
hello it keeeps on loading data, jst a moment…..
for more than a hour
hey i have windoms xp and my pc is pentium 4 tell me how i download whats app on my pc
hey may pc is very slow hw can i over come this
hey sagar my problem is when i finish everything in blue stack the problem comes when i shut down my laptop when i switch it on the application cant access again
Hey Zubery,
I don’t understand your problem properly, can you please make it tell it clearly.
will it work for windows 8???
Yeah it will work.
Sagar I need hacked clash of clans for pc windows xp for free plz tell me the side plzzzzzzzzz! and I am India from Kolkata…
Sorry, but i can’t help you with this. See i don’t do hacking to supply hacked or cracked softwares.
it keeps expanding hours in downloading
hi sagar, my problem is that when i´m installing bluestack in my pc it says it is incompatible to my device
check bluestacks installation requirements first.
it is possible to use bluestacks on windows xp
is this bluestack real…….????
Nice job indeed!
Thumbs up, Sagar!
Hi Sagar I have installed blustacks 1 month ago and started playing coc . but now it is not opening , wat should i do now?if i reinstalled it my coc accont will be gone,tell me away plz
hi i m Pinaki . I want to install bluestacks in windows 7 . I downloaded bluestacks from the above link . after downloading when i m trying to install this it shows INSTALL DOTNET AND CONTINUE INSTALLATION PROCESS . after this installation its does not installed on PC . How i install bluestack in windows 7 ..
Hey Pinaki,
You need to install .NET Framework on Your Computer. Just Download net framework from Microsoft website and install it. After that restart your computer. After restating try to install BlueStacks on your PC, It Will get installed this time.
hi,i have download the bluestack emulator and try to instal but it stuck at ‘insatalling bluestacks’.what’s the problem.thanks
Hey Mimie,
Check bluestacks system requirements article from my blog.
Check if your computer is compatible to run bluestacks.
how can i check my pc configuration for bluestacks ? plz help me
Hey Megh,
I am not using a windows computer right now. But if i remember currently you can check from “My Computer>System Summary”.
Let me know if it works.
i am also work alone and try to make my games worlds best game every released.
I am game developer.:-)
But the think is i want to know is that is bluestacks can used to play live camera.
like webcam!
also is that your download link is dead
please give me another like 🙂
The download link is working fine.
hi sagar how can i install this app
how to check bluestack is work in my computer
yes is working for pc
How i used bluestacks in laptop windows 10 64 bits
bhai mere install nhi ho raha error dikhne lag jata hai
hlo sagar bhai maine 5 bar download kar liya hai bluestacks or click karta hu toh error dikhta hai
what error message its showing?
how to do my bluestacks doesn’t install it as graphics card can’t support the version while previous was working correctly?
yo sagar, i already dowloaded bluestacks thrice over on my lapie ,on the first try it opened and stuff then later it got stuck on loading screen.I wud really luv a helping hand here.Solution pls,thnx for ur tym.
Is it showing some error message or its just stuck and not opening when you are trying to open. You may uninstall the app and reinstall it.
very very good app plz downlads
HIII SAGAR. IJUST DOWNLOADED KOPLAYER AND INSTALLED WHEN I OPNED IT SAYS errer-12 then i cant do anthting. did i miss any steps to install
hey sagar basak in my pc bluestacks is not installing in windows 10 and my pc have 64bits and 2gb ram plese solve my problem
bhai sagar…plzzz give me ur no……………
plzzz give me your whatsapp number
in my lappy i cnt download blue stacks or koplayer.. Please help me
What error message you see on your computer screen when you try to install these apps.
In this case, i would recommend you to check the installed programs list if bluestacks is installed on your computer or not. You can also perform a search for bluestacks from taskbar (if you are using a Windows 10 computer).
how can i copy or move the video that i downloaded on tubemate to my computer?
hi sagar,
is there a way to copy or move the video that was downloaded from tubemate?
Try using File Manager App like ES File Explorer.
how can I get file manager ? Do I have to install it ?
i have downloaded the bluestack native 2 but while installing an unspecified error comes in the display.
Can you share the error message?
i liked the site very much……….thank u sagar…..
Thanks Pankaj for the nice words 🙂
while installing it is showing error that it should have atleast 2GB physical memory but my c drive has 28.8GB free space it is showing the error plzzz give reply to my question
Hey Yamini,
Physical Memory means Ram not Hard Drive Storage Space.
Let me know the Ram Size of your computer?
can bluestacks install on a system with 265 RAM
hi Sagar
i am facing difficulty to use it. It runs very slow or struck and dance like nothing then i have to shut it up please tell me some solutions.
Try some other android emulator.
I downloaded bluestack but error is coming
That microinstallernative.exe is missing what should I do?????
download again remive already u download and waite for it size 306 mb download then it will come
how to know where is bluestacks in my pc when i complete the installion there is writen (this program is already installed on this machine) please tell me how to uninstall that old version and install new version
awesome app…having fun using it.
you got it…?
i have bluestacks but every time i go in it i have to sync my account and it doesnt go further
I love this app its too good….yarrr try it its perfect n awesome…………………….
I already installed Bluestack to my windows7 pc in past 1month. till today it was working properly. But.today some instruction came”Do u want to install latest Bluestack “. I pressed Yes but now Iam failed to open blue stack. Please help me.
Uninstall the Old one, Download the latest version and install it.
k wts ur pc ram…..
This app is not working my windows 7 hp pavilion dv5 laptop. How is it work ?
i have installed but error is coming…… this upgrade not supported for the installed version
hey sagar plse help ………..on my pc when i search something ,it shows this website google chrome security plugin ………..what should i do …..after install it ……it never works ……
I don’t understand your problem, Can you elaborate.
jab hum bluestack ko run kar rahe h tb troubleshooter have stoped working likha aa rha h plz help
its taking too much time in initializing..
yes but not opening na ?
Can blue stacks download in 1 gb ram pc
I’ve downloaded Bluestacks app.. but at the it showed me ‘Unable to install Dortnet’ .. what is dortnet? how can i download it? please bro ,give me some advice.
.NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework, Some softwares require it. You need to download and install latest version of .NET Framework on your computer now to install bluestacks.
hot star videos not played y ?????
Sagar bhai please help me
bro can u tell me that
when i am going to install bluestacks
it asks to install dotnet
but after downloading dotnet
while installing it an error message comes that unable to install.
Error extracting bluestacks
how will be ram required for installing blue stack
Its showing…Unable to install “Donet”???!!!
hi bro when i installing bluestacks error msg comes that unable to install dotnel.pls help me how can i install thids app…….
sagar please help me its not opening its just saying restart u machine what should i do now
while installing it shows that it needs a administrator to install … plz help
can i use blustacks to install whatsapp on my pc without having to link it to my fon
Hey trinity,
You don’t need bluestacks to install WhatsApp on your PC. However, you must use your smartphone for doing the same.
You can directly download WhatsApp for PC from Official Website of WhatsApp.
bluestacks my problem 8 ball pool screen coler blu
my bluestacks channels are not laod
please help me sager
how to install bluestacks it extract but it not work
i have some problem to install bluestack application in my pc please hlp mee any one
It is extracting but to continue installation process it needs to install microsoft.net framework
sagar please give a link to download DOT NET FRAMEWORK
You can download .NET framework from here: microsoft.com/net/download/framework
i have done it…it’s successful and i am using it. thank you Sagar
an error message is comming file is corrupt
hey.. bluestacks download nahi ho rha…. plz help me yar… i uninstalled before wala… but then now its showing that bluestacks is already installed on this machine… tell me what to do yar..
i have downloaded bluestacks after all installations it shows some sort of error can’t understand how to slove this and run this software please help….
I have BlueStack online Agent I have been using Whatsapp in Bluestack since 2015. However before few days, I deleted whatsapp app from Bluestack as it started showing mobile version and i cant see full screen. Also Status update in whataspp had issue. So I thought let me download new one.
But that was my biggest mistake. After deleting the whatsapp app from BlueStack, Now I am unable to download new one. Search bar is just keep loading only. When i search app, it shows Whataspp. But I do not get any download link.
I dont want to download new Bluestack as I have many old data and contacts in this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hey Kailash,
What you can do is download “WhatsApp Apk” from the web, then try to open it with bluestacks. In this way, you can install WhatsApp in bluestacks.
when i clicks on the link it appears that the link is not attached with it …..
I just updated the link, please try downloading bluestacks now.
i had download the hotstar but while downloading bluestacks it show some errors
hey guys i cannot install the blue stack in my pc and the computer says hard driver is not supported so what i do
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Access Denied
BlueStacks downloading krar samay ei message diche………
Hey Utpal, Thanks for letting me know. I just updated the download link, It’s working now.
hey sagar when I am installing bluestack it need dotnet to install but I have no net connection how can I install it
I have downloaded bluestack on my pc. But It doesn’t run.
My computer’s OS is Window 7
And 1GB RAM .
Why it doesn’t run.
I want to play mobile games in pc.
Please help me …..
not working its showingg the message of error. help me!
hi…how to downlaod,class of clans/ my laptop is window7 old model no camera.give instruction plsss…..
how can I change the storage to my computer
bcz i cannot find video which i download in vidmate
hey… i downloaded bluestacks … but its showing that… unable to find MicroInstallerNative.exe… then i downloaded microinstallernative.. now its showing.. unable to download dotnet… ek ke baad ek problems aari hai yr… firstly to download bluestacks it takes hours… then yeh aise faltu problems… cant bluestacks fix it at the time of downloading?
now tell me what to do yar…. i want it in my pc…
just download and install dot net framework. It’s about 50MB in size i think.
hi sagar
i cant use it because it shows me it want v4.2
please hep wen i want to install
it says file corrupt!!!
my system is Windows 8, 6GB RAM. 750GB Hard disk but the bluestack is very slow on the system and app close its self.
Dude it Did not install, ask for .net Software. How i can fix it?
please help me
its not opening
thanks for this app
I am getting an error which installing
“Installation Error:-1. Restart your PC and try again”
I have restarted my PC twice, but still getting the same error.
this blog is good and very useful
thanks sagar
Thanks 🙂
start engine error aaguthu bro why……….?
My laptops say’s you dont have microinstallernagative.exe. so what can i do
bhai isme koi shortcut key hai kya direct msg ko send karne ki ,,hike me baar baar cursor le jana padta hai send k arrow pe
I think bluestacks 3 removed this feature. If you need this download and use bluestacks 2.
Though I haven’t actually developed this software, thanks for your kind words 🙂
Hello, i have dowloaded bluestacks 3, it don’t give. It install, but it don’t go. The message it reply is “Impossible de démarer le moteur, redémarez le programme”. I have update my graphic card, but the problem remain, i have change the system, but no solution to the problem
There are many other Android emulators, download and use another emulator.
what i do now,,the istallation is currently stop 91%
Hey sagar please help me i download the bluestacks but when i open it and make it run its showing file is corrupt
Download it again.
hey man i have download the latest one bluestack 3 but i cant sign in i thnk that icant sign in but i can create the new one but there is no option of create one help it man i m waiting ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
is it safe to download bluestacks
Can I use bluestack in window 7 PC , please tell me ?
Yes you can.
I have downloaded bluestacks 3 .But it always stucks while starting the engine . Please tell what i should do ?
when it gets stuck it shows a message either to restart my pc or to restart the engine . I have tried both but the same problem happens . Pls help me to fix this problem.
Many people are having this same issue, maybe it will get fixed with an update. Right now we can’t do anything.
check your network connection !!!!!!
How I install in Windows xp? tray agin and again for install this app but all time this installed to take 242mb but this app want 244 mb. this will not install in my computer windows xp?
Most probably you will have to install an older version of BlueStacks on Windows XP, BlueStacks 3 won’t support XP.
Maybe you should try installing “BlueStacks App Player” on your computer. You can download it from filehippo.com.
in my pc it does not open
its installing perfect
no problem but it can’t open it shows opetions like restart pc , restart engine
i tried it many times both options but doesn’t work
Try using “BlueStacks 2”.
i want to download the old version of bluestack how can I download that.can you help me
Simply you can go to filehippo.com and download an older version from “Older Versions” list.
good ..okk
BlueStacks 3 crushes on my windows 7 can i use BlueStacks 2
i am having blue starck but its not open why?? thats show ur device is already installed why plz plzz help mee
youtube pr try kr
I want to download Hotstar App for PC.Is it necessary to download Bluestacks -BS3-Native-exe.(245MB) ?Is there any other shortcut to download Hotstar App ? Pls guide me?
Bluestacks 3 does not work on windows xp suggest me something.
Try other Android emulators like KoPlayer and others.
i want less mb for downloading bluestacks, so what should i need to do..???
You can’t do it.
it’s working not good in my windows .so use driod4x android emulator it’s working simply superb in my windows 10
why didnot instal bluestack 3 in my windows 8.1 plzz reply
Can you Elaborate your Issue, Like your computer configuration and Which error message you see on screen when you try to install BlueStacks?
Can I use WhatsApp on PC with BlueStacks?
Yeah Sure.
why did not instal bulestack 3 in yw window 7 plize reply
Check your computer’s configuration and make sure you have the proper hardware to run bluestacks.
can you tell me how i can add video
Add video Where?
blus stack 3 is more crashing in my pc, what i do to using blue stack… my pc is 8.1 version…. what i do… plz help me
I am very glad, the bluestacks application works very well.
I like bluestacks and it is very good software for any andriod app in computer
videos are not runnig..what to do?
unable to load DLL’libcef’:The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT:0x8007007E) what does it mean? also stuck when installing Engine. Please help?
hello sir,when i installed bluestack after my laptop working not fastly.
it is not open and run at my laptop what should i do
This is a very good app for window 10, Everyone must download bluestacks for windows 10.
what is the proper hardware for my windows 7 to install the bluestacks
sir ji bluestecks app install kyu nhi ho raha he window 7 me
blustack 3 is more crashing in my pc
how i install instgram from bluestacks?
ucollect instgram 4rm and andrio phone and instal with network
i can’t upload photo in bluestaqcks
Bluestacks has features which not many Android emulators can provide to its users. Also, it has a great helping community. What else can you ask for 🙂
i want to download hotstar will blue stacks can help me
can i dowload bluestacks for my windows 7????
yes u can
i download in my windows 7 but how can i istall??
Thanx this is working I am loving it.
by this app,, can we download hotstar app?
how to download instagram??
is it work on window 7 ultimate………????
this app is not even installing in my laptop
do it work ?
its not opening in my laptop sice 1 hr
It does work, Maybe you need to reinstall it. Please download it and reinstall again.
how shall we download instagram…I have bluestaks 3n…whn I tyoe instagram..it comes your device isn’t compatible with this version….im using windows 8…so what shall I do?
how does tube mate app works does it need data?
is it working window 8 can you tell me a proper step how to i install bluestack
Yes, bluestacks works in windows 8.
First, download the file, click on it to start installation process then just follow the screen instructions.
It’s easy 🙂
very nice apps