Ultimate Guide to Pink Diamonds: A World of Rarity and Beauty

Explore the beautiful and rare world of pink diamonds. Dive into their unique charm and discover why these gems are so special and sought-after.

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Ultimate Guide to Pink Diamonds: Step into the radiant world of pink diamonds, where each gem tells a story of rarity and allure. Pink diamonds, nature’s most captivating treasures, are more than just stones; they are a symphony of color and light, coveted by collectors and connoisseurs worldwide.

This ultimate guide to pink diamonds will lead you through the fascinating journey from their mysterious origins to their place in the crowns of royalty. You’ll learn about the intricate grading system that defines their worth and discover how to select the perfect pink diamond that resonates with your style and story.

Embark on this journey of discovery with Brighterguide, and let this guide illuminate the path to acquiring your piece of this extraordinary legacy. Unveil the secrets of pink diamonds and find your timeless treasure.

Key Takeaways

  • Pink diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s crust, with Western Australia being one of the most renowned sources for these exquisite gems.
  • Pink diamonds begin their journey as rough stones nestled within diamond deposits and undergo a meticulous process of evaluation and cutting by skilled diamond cutters, an art perfected by experts like those at James Allen, to reveal their mesmerizing inner beauty.
  • Pink diamonds are among the rarest and most captivating gemstones, standing out with their vibrant pink hues. They belong to the category of “fancy diamonds,” displaying a wide range of pink shades, from delicate pastels to intense, vivid tones.
  • Gemologists classify them based on the richness and depth of their hue, ranging from “Faint Pink” to the coveted “Fancy Vivid Pink.”
  • Pink diamonds are prized for their rarity, which significantly influences their market value. Factors such as size, color intensity, and clarity grade impact their prices.


A pink diamond ring

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the origin of pink diamonds. These exquisite gems are found in only a few locations around the world, with the most renowned source being Western Australia. Pink diamonds are formed deep in the Earth’s crust, where volcanic rocks and heat and pressure exist. Western Australia’s geology allowed these precious stones to form perfectly.

Volcanoes millions of years ago brought carbon and other minerals to the surface. After cooling and solidifying, the magma created ideal conditions for diamond cell formation. High pressure and heat formed diamonds’ unique crystal structure from carbon atoms.

From Rough Diamonds to Polished Pink Elegance

Pink diamonds begin their journey as rough diamonds deep within diamond deposits. These unassuming rough stones undergo an intricate process of evaluation and cutting to unlock their inner beauty.

Skilled diamond cutters meticulously shape and polish pink diamonds, unveiling their unique charm and allure. Each step in this transformation plays a role in determining the final pink diamond price.

The Enigmatic Beauty of Pink Diamonds

Pink Diamond Ring

In the fascinating world of colored diamonds, pink diamonds stand out as some of the rarest and most captivating gemstones. These once-colorless diamonds undergo a remarkable transformation deep within the Earth’s diamond deposits, emerging as exquisite examples of nature’s artistry.

Pink diamonds belong to a distinct and extraordinary diamond type. Unlike their colorless counterparts, pink diamonds exhibit a mesmerizing range of pink hues that vary from delicate pastels to vibrant, intense shades. This remarkable diamond type earns its classification as “fancy diamonds,” denoting its departure from the traditional colorless norm.

The Intriguing Pink Diamond Descriptor

Within the realm of pink diamonds, the intensity of their pink color becomes a crucial diamond descriptor. Gemologists and experts assess pink diamonds based on the richness and depth of their hue.

Similar to orange diamonds, pink diamonds receive classifications ranging from faint pink to fancy intense pink, with the most captivating stones earning the coveted title of “fancy vivid pink.” These intense diamond shades elevate pink diamonds to a level of beauty that transcends the ordinary.

Pink Diamond Price and Rarity

The allure of pink diamonds extends beyond their remarkable transformation from once-colorless diamonds to radiant pink treasures. Their rarity contributes significantly to their market value, making pink diamond prices some of the highest in the world of gemstones.

Factors such as size, color intensity, and clarity grade influence the price of pink diamonds. Just as with orange diamonds, the presence of secondary hues or overtones can affect the overall value of pink diamonds.

Fancy Colored Pink: The Four Cs

A pink diamond ring

When it comes to buying fancy colored pink diamonds, there are four key factors to consider: color, clarity, cut, and carat. Understanding these four Cs is essential for making an informed decision when purchasing pink diamonds.


Evaluating the color of fancy colored pink diamonds is a crucial aspect of buying and understanding the Four Cs. There is only one main color in pink stones, which is pink. But it’s also common for secondary colors like orange, yellow, purple, and brown to be present.
Among these secondary hues, purple is considered the most desirable for pink diamonds.

The tone of the diamond refers to how light or dark it appears, and lighter tones and medium tones tend to achieve higher saturation. It’s important to note that very low saturation can make the diamond appear brown or grey. While cut quality doesn’t heavily impact pink diamond pricing, a well-cut gem is certainly more attractive.

Most pink diamonds receive cuts to retain weight, with brilliant cuts selling at a premium compared to fancy shapes. Traditional round brilliant cuts are known for showcasing the gem’s color nicely, while modified fancy shapes are available at a discount.


The clarity of pink diamonds is an important factor to consider when buying these exquisite gems. While color is the main focus, clarity can still affect the overall beauty and value of a pink diamond. Clarity refers to the presence of any internal or external flaws, known as inclusions and blemishes, respectively.

Inclusions can include tiny crystals, feathers, or other imperfections that may affect the diamond’s transparency and brilliance. However, pink diamonds tend to have a higher tolerance for inclusions compared to white diamonds. This means that a pink diamond with slight inclusions may still be considered highly valuable.

Remember that pink diamonds can have brown diamonds, which are often treated to look better. An extra squeeze turns a diamond pink, and a hard squash turns it brown. When assessing a pink diamond’s clarity, look for brown spots or treatments that may alter its appearance.


We highly recommend considering the cut when buying fancy colored pink diamonds, as it greatly affects the diamond’s brilliance and overall appearance. Here are four key points to keep in mind:

  • Skillful Diamond Cutter: A skilled diamond cutter can maximize the diamond’s potential by creating facets that reflect and refract light in the most captivating way. The precision of the cut determines how well the diamond sparkles and shines.
  • Brilliant Cuts vs. Fancy Shapes: While most pink diamonds are cut to retain weight, brilliant cuts, such as the traditional round brilliant, showcase the gem’s color beautifully. However, modified fancy shapes, like the pear or marquise, may be available at a discounted price.
  • Impact on Pricing: Cut quality doesn’t heavily impact pink diamond pricing, but a well-cut gem is undeniably more attractive. Keep in mind that a premium may be attached to diamonds with brilliant cuts.
    Transition to Carat: After considering the cut, the next important factor to consider is the carat weight of the pink diamond.

Considering the cut of a pink diamond ensures that you find a gem that truly captures your heart. Now, let’s explore the significance of carat weight in the world of pink diamonds.


Now that we’ve explored the significance of cut-in pink diamonds, let’s dive into the topic of carat weight and its role in buying fancy colored pink diamonds. Carat weight is one of the most important factors when determining the value of a pink diamond. Larger pink diamonds are incredibly rare and, therefore, more valuable.

Any pink diamond over 0.2 carats is considered large, and diamonds over one carat are exceptionally rare. As the carat weight increases, the price of the diamond rises quickly. Diamonds over two carats are considered extraordinary and command even higher prices.

So, if you’re looking to invest in valuable pink diamonds, it’s important to consider the carat weight along with other factors such as color, cut, and clarity. With that in mind, let’s now explore the fascinating world of Type IA and Type IIA pink diamonds.

Type IA and Type IIA

Pink Diamond Ring

Type IA and Type IIA diamonds are both categories of pink diamonds that have distinct characteristics and compositions. Understanding the differences between these types is essential when navigating the world of pink diamond buying. Here’s what you need to know:

Type IA diamonds

These diamonds contain nitrogen in clusters within their carbon crystal structure. Argyle pink diamonds, which are highly sought after, fall into this category. They tend to be small but intensely colored, often displaying secondary purple hues. Additionally, Type IA diamonds fluoresce blue under ultraviolet light.

Type IIA diamonds

In contrast, Type IIA diamonds have no significant nitrogen impurities. These diamonds are exceptionally rare and highly valued. They occur in various pink diamond locales, such as India, Brazil, and parts of Africa. Type IIA diamonds are known for their exceptional clarity and stunning color.

Understanding the differences between Type IA and Type IIA diamonds is crucial for evaluating their quality and pricing. While both types offer their own unique beauty, Type IIA diamonds are generally considered to be of higher value due to their rarity and exceptional characteristics.

Color Treatment

Color treatment is a significant factor to consider when discussing pink diamonds. There are several methods of color treatment, including high-pressure-high temperature treatment (HPHT), irradiation, annealing, and coating.

High Pressure-High Temperature Treatment (HPHT)

HPHT treatment is the most common and can alter the color of pink diamonds, often resulting in a secondary brown hue. Buyers should be aware of color treatments and consider the long-term care and maintenance required for treated diamonds. This treatment involves subjecting diamonds to extreme heat and pressure, resulting in a change in their color.

Here’s what you need to know about HPHT treatment as a pink diamond buying consideration:

  • HPHT-treated pink diamonds offer vibrant hues: The treatment can produce intense and vibrant pink colors, making these diamonds visually striking.
  • Lower price compared to natural diamonds: HPHT-treated pink diamonds are available at a significantly lower price than untreated natural diamonds, making them a more affordable option.
  • Retention of secondary brown hue: HPHT-treated pink diamonds often retain a strong secondary brown hue, which can add depth and character to their overall appearance.
  • Permanent treatment: HPHT treatment is permanent and doesn’t require any further care. Once the treatment is done, the color of the diamond is permanently enhanced.

With the knowledge of HPHT treatment in mind, let’s now explore another method of altering the color of pink diamonds:


Irradiation is a color treatment method used to intensify the hue of fancy pink diamonds. This process involves exposing the diamonds to controlled radiation, which alters the crystal lattice and enhances the color. The irradiation treatment can turn pale pink diamonds into vibrant and saturated shades, making them more visually captivating.

It’s important to note that gemological laboratories can reliably detect treated diamonds, ensuring transparency in the market. When purchasing an irradiated pink diamond, it’s crucial to consider the long-term care and maintenance required.

Additionally, jewelers should be informed about the irradiation treatment when repairing the setting, as even a jeweler’s torch can potentially alter the color of the diamond.


We can explore the process of annealing, which is a color treatment method used to enhance the hue of pink diamonds. Annealing involves heating the diamond to high temperatures and then slowly cooling it down. This treatment can intensify the pink color and improve the overall appearance of the diamond.

Here are a few key points about annealing:

  • Controlled cooling: After heating, the diamond is slowly cooled down, allowing the color to stabilize and intensify.
  • Permanent enhancement: Unlike some other treatments, annealing is a permanent process that doesn’t require any further care or maintenance.
  • Color enhancement: Annealing can improve the color of pink diamonds, making them more vibrant and desirable, according to the diamond color reference chart.


Coating is another method of color treatment for pink diamonds. It involves applying a thin layer of material to modify the diamond’s color. This method is used to hide unattractive colors and improve the diamond’s appearance. However, coated diamonds may require extra care because the coating easily wears off.

Buyers should be careful when cleaning, polishing, or resetting coated gems to avoid damaging the coating. Additionally, coated diamonds may have limitations in terms of durability and longevity. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved when considering the purchase of a colored diamond, such as a marquise-cut fancy pink diamond.

To make an informed decision, it’s essential to be well-informed about the specific treatment methods used and the long-term care required for coated diamonds.

Synthetic Pink Diamonds

Synthetic pink diamonds are man-made diamonds that possess the same chemical and physical properties as natural pink diamonds. These lab-grown beauties have become increasingly popular in the diamond trade due to their affordability and ethical production.

Here are some key points to understand about synthetic pink diamonds:

Colored Diamond Color Reference

Synthetic pink diamonds are graded on the same color scale as natural pink diamonds. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) evaluates their color using terms like ‘fancy light pink’ or ‘fancy vivid pink,’ just like they’d for natural stones. This allows buyers to compare and choose the shade of pink that suits their preferences.


Synthetic pink diamonds aren’t imitations or simulants. They’re genuine diamonds, chemically identical to their natural counterparts. Advanced technology recreates the conditions found deep within the earth to grow these stunning pink gems.

Diamond Trade

The introduction of synthetic pink diamonds has disrupted the diamond market. As demand for pink diamonds continues to rise, lab-grown options provide an accessible alternative for those who desire the beauty of a pink diamond without the high price tag.

Investment Potential

While natural pink diamonds remain highly sought-after and valuable, synthetic pink diamonds offer an opportunity for collectors and investors to enter the market at a more affordable level. As technology continues to improve, the quality and value of synthetic pink diamonds are expected to increase.

Pink Diamond Simulants

Pink diamond simulants can be a cost-effective alternative for those who want the look of a fancy pink diamond without the high price. These simulants are gemstones that resemble pink diamonds in appearance but aren’t actually made of the same material. They’re often made of other gemstones or synthetic materials that mimic the pink color and sparkle of a pink diamond.

Here are some types of pink diamond simulants:

Pink Sapphire

One popular type of pink diamond simulant is pink sapphire. Pink sapphires are natural gemstones that come in various shades of pink, from pale to vibrant. While they may not have the exact same hue as a fancy pink diamond, they can still offer a beautiful pink color at a more affordable price.

Lab-grown Pink Diamonds

Another option for pink diamond simulants is lab-grown pink diamonds. These diamonds are created in a laboratory using advanced technology that replicates the natural diamond formation process. Lab-grown pink diamonds have the same chemical and physical properties as natural pink diamonds, making them visually indistinguishable from their natural counterparts.

Pink diamond simulants provide an opportunity for individuals to enjoy the beauty of pink diamonds without breaking the bank. Whether it’s a pink sapphire or a lab-grown pink diamond, these simulants offer a cost-effective way to add a touch of pink sparkle to any jewelry collection.


Pink diamonds, also called “fancy diamonds,” range from pastel to brilliant tones. Colors convey distinct stories. Their bright colors, where they come from, and how they change make them special. The fact that they are hard to find makes them very valuable. When you buy a pink diamond, think about the Four Cs and know how different color treatment methods affect the stone.

To find your perfect pink diamond that aligns with these considerations, explore the exquisite collection at James Allen. With their expert guidance and comprehensive selection, you can confidently choose a pink diamond that reflects your personal style.

Visit James Allen today to begin your journey with one of nature’s most extraordinary creations


BrighterGuide is dedicated to providing accurate and relevant information as you explore the wonderful world of diamonds and jewelry. To this end, our writers refer to primary information sources in building each article that appears on this website. These include, but are not limited to, published news articles, government portals, research papers, and more.

  1. Diamond Guide – Brownlee Jewelers. (n.d.). Brownlee Jewelers. https://www.brownleejewelers.com/education/diamond-guide/
  2. Learn How to Buy a Diamond with the GIA Diamond Buying Guide | 4Cs of Diamond Quality by GIA. (2022, July 22). GIA 4Cs. https://4cs.gia.edu/en-us/diamond-buying-guide/
  3. What is the ICA – International Colored Gemstone Association. (n.d.). https://www.gemstone.org/what-is-the-ica

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