I2 Diamonds Guide

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Welcome to this illuminating I2 diamonds guide. BrighterGuide aims to furnish you with every nugget of wisdom about I2 diamonds, demystifying its allure.

In this overview, we’ll unpack the essence of I2 diamonds, spotlight their unique characteristics, evaluate their influence on diamond brilliance, gauge their cost, and juxtapose them with different clarity grades.

Let’s plunge into the mesmerizing world of I2 diamonds!

Related article: I1 Clarity Diamonds Guide

Key Takeaways

  • I2 diamonds are a specific category on the diamond clarity scale known for their noticeable inclusions, but they offer an affordable alternative to higher-clarity diamonds without compromising on natural charm.
  • While I2 diamonds fall on the lower end of the clarity grade, their unique allure, especially in colored diamonds, combined with significant carat weights, makes them appealing to budget-conscious buyers.
  • Despite their visible imperfections, I2 diamonds remain a worthy investment due to their unique beauty, affordability, and potential for customization.
i2 diamonds guide banner

What are I2 Diamonds

When we speak about I2 diamonds, we’re referring to a specific category on the diamond clarity scale. These precious stones possess noticeable inclusions, which are easily observed without the help of 10x magnification, thus impacting their overall diamond clarity and brilliance.

The diamond industry generally prices I2 diamonds more affordably, given their position on the clarity scale, when compared to their high-clarity counterparts.

While the I2 diamond clarity grade may initially seem less enticing due to noticeable blemishes and white inclusions, their natural diamonds charm remains. For those seeking affordable engagement rings, I2 diamonds offer a real diamonds allure without the flawless diamond price tag. Interestingly, diamond shapes, like emerald cuts, can influence the visibility of these inclusions under magnification.

Yet, when compared to low-quality diamonds or a lab diamond, I2 loose diamonds still uphold a beautiful diamond essence. Light performance, though slightly affected, doesn’t completely mar their brilliance. Always check a grading report before investing.


To truly appreciate the quality of I2 diamonds, one should consider three core parameters: clarity, color, and cut. Nestled in the lower echelon of the clarity grade, I2 diamonds are notorious for their visible flaws and noticeable inclusions, which might somewhat overshadow their innate beauty and brilliance. Unlike eye-clean diamond varieties, these gems exhibit inclusions visible to the unaided eye.

For those on a tight budget, yet yearning for significant carat weights, I2 diamonds can be an appealing choice, despite their visible inclusions and poor quality.


Diamonds are typically categorized based on color and clarity. I2 diamonds, belonging to the segment marked by noticeable inclusions, exhibit unmistakable imperfections, which include both external and internal inclusions. The diamond industry often pinpoints I2 diamonds for their obvious imperfections. Yet, there’s an undeniable charm radiating from them, appealing to a particular segment of diamond lovers.

For those seeking an affordable selection of diamonds, I2s stand out. Despite their optical flaws affecting light return, their charm can’t be ignored. I2 diamonds differ from SI1 diamond or I1-I3 diamonds in the diamond clarity tier. As a center stone, they might not be the cleanest, but as melee stones, they offer value.

a dazzling diamond

Where Does I2 Diamonds Fall

Positioned on the diamond clarity scale between I3 and I1 grades, I2 diamonds are distinguished by their visible flaws and imperfections. This might encompass attributes like dark marks and a certain roughness. Although they might not match the allure of higher grades, their sparkle and vivacity often outshine the lowest clarity grade diamonds like I3. The exact clarity and brilliance of an I2 diamond can be swayed by factors like carat weights and cuts.

The Cost

Price-wise, I2 diamonds are known to be easier on the pocket while still promising a fair amount of dazzle. A few things to keep in mind include:

  • Affordable Price: They come with a more modest price tag compared to their high-clarity brethren.
  • Wide Range: The pricing spectrum is broad, fluctuating based on size, color, and cut. This means there’s an I2 for every budget shopper.
  • Valuable Diamonds: Regardless of their clarity grade, these diamonds can still encapsulate onlookers with their inherent sparkle.

Differences of I2 From I1 and I3 Clarity Diamonds

While I2 diamonds undeniably have noticeable flaws, they’re a notch above I3 in clarity. When you put them side by side with I1 diamonds, I2s have larger, more evident inclusions. Often, they exhibit darker or denser imperfections. Reputable jewelers usually don’t promote I2 clarity diamonds actively. The disparity becomes even clearer when you compare I2 with I3 diamonds, with the latter having a denser spread of inclusions.

Brands That Offer I2 Diamonds

Many well-regarded brands proudly showcase a selection of I2 diamonds. When making a choice, it’s essential to opt for a brand that doesn’t compromise on quality. Here are a few standouts:

  1. Blue Nile: A reputed name in the online realm, they offer a smorgasbord of I2 diamonds. Their website is an educational treasure trove, ensuring customers make well-informed decisions.
  2. James Allen: Recognized for their impeccable diamonds and trailblazing tech, they allow customers a 360-degree view of their chosen gem. Plus, customization is always an option.
  3. Brilliant Earth: With a pledge to ethical sourcing, they present I2 diamonds with unparalleled structural integrity. They also stock lab-grown diamonds for those seeking flawless sparkle without the hefty cost.
brilliant diamond ring

Which Diamond Clarity is The Best For Your Ring

The crux of selecting a diamond for your ring hinges on the ideal clarity. Diamond clarity alludes to internal or external imperfections – inclusions and blemishes. These glitches can cast a shadow over the gem’s overall sparkle.

I2 diamonds have clear inclusions. However, they can still rival lower clarity diamonds in terms of brilliance. If you’re grappling with a tight budget but harbor dreams of a significant carat size, I2 diamonds can be your calling. Especially, as inclusions in I2 diamonds often become inconspicuous in colored diamonds.

Your ideal pick hinges on personal tastes, budget constraints, and the desired aesthetic. It’s always prudent to view diamonds first-hand and engage in a dialogue with a diamond expert.

Are I2 Diamonds Worth Your Investment

Given their evident inclusions, one might wonder about the viability of investing in I2 diamonds. Here are compelling reasons they might be:

  • Unique Beauty: Their inclusions lend them a one-of-a-kind allure.
  • Affordability: Ideal for those who want a big rock without the big price tag.
  • Customization Potential: Collaborate with a custom jeweler to design a piece that celebrates the diamond’s unique traits.


In essence, while I2 diamonds come with visible imperfections, they remain an alluring option for many. Their relative affordability combined with their undeniable charm makes them an option worth considering for those willing to embrace natural imperfections and seek value.


BrighterGuide is dedicated to providing accurate and relevant information as you explore the wonderful world of diamonds and jewelry. To this end, our writers refer to primary information sources in building each article that appears on this website. These include, but are not limited to, published news articles, government portals, research papers, and more.

  1. International Gem Society LLC. (2023c, May 16). Is an I Clarity Diamond a Good Buy? – International Gem Society. International Gem Society. https://www.gemsociety.org/article/i-clarity-diamond/
  2. GIA 4Cs Clarity. (n.d.-b). https://www.gia.edu/gia-about/4cs-clarity

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